Overcoming Mental Health Struggles Requires a Multi-Strategy Approach Using Advanced Behavioral Sciences

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Overcoming Mental Health Struggles Requires a Multi-Strategy Approach Using Advanced Behavioral Sciences

The mental health community is lagging behind the other health care sectors; it needs to catch up and embrace the new advanced treatments that are bringing hope to those who suffer

Everything around us is changing at an accelerated pace. Cell phones have become nearly as powerful as many computers. Connecting us to the internet they have transformed how we educate ourselves, communicate with others, and accomplish our work. Advances in the medical science has enabled surgeons to successfully transplant nearly any organ in our bodies. The first face transplant occurred in 2015! The medical community has nearly halted the spread of AIDS in its tracks and now have medications that offer the hope of a cure for those infected with HIV. Advances have been made that not only support people living into their 80’s, 90’s and beyond, but also leads to a quality of life that can exceed that of young adults.

Our understanding of our brain and psychological functions have accelerated in the past decade. Research has opened avenues for the development of new and more effective treatments that can help people overcome a mental health struggle. For example, Dr. Norman Doidge and his team have earned international respect for their demonstrating how the brain’s neuroplasticity can play an important part in an individual’s ability to overcome a mental health struggle.

Unfortunately, only a small amount of those in need have been able to have access to the advanced treatment modalities that have been built on the promise of this research. For the vast majority of those struggling with their mental health, their treatment consists solely of traditional treatments. For many, this entails a 15-min appointment with their physician and a prescription of medication that may only treat the symptoms; not the actual problem. What can be even worse is that many of the old-school physicians lead their patients to believe that a mental health struggle is a life sentence, thereby robbing these folk of the hope that healing is a real possibility. Thankfully, younger physicians are significantly more open to these newer, holistic treatment methods; methods that offer real hope for patients. Part of these newer approaches to treating mental health issues is that the old model of “one size fits all” is ineffective. Those seeking help are individuals and so their treatment needs to be tailored to their individuality.


Simply stated, it includes a battery of traditional treatment approaches combined with newer advanced treatments. Working in concert, they help patients engage in the process of changing their psychological functions and relationships, which leads to their strengthening their ability to eventually overcome their mental health struggles. Human psychology is much like human physicality. If you want to change your body’s shape, flexibility, performance, or overcome a physical ailment, by engaging in high levels of self-care and with their doctor’s support, you have a high probability of success. The same is true when it comes to healing a mental health struggle.

Still, overcoming depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. is not something that is easily achieved on one’s own. Bringing change to one’s mental health is a process that needs professional support. Since 1993, we have been working with people to overcome their mental health struggles. We have learned many things, including:

As much as our understanding of our psychological function has increased, we are still only scratching the surface. We need to embrace the entire field as humble students, curious and ambitious to learn. With 1 in 5 people struggling with a mental health condition in most Western nations and mental health being the number 1 healthcare problem in the world, it becomes even more important to address the mental health community lagging far behind the rest of the healthcare system. It must embrace new advanced treatment approaches.

Each person’s struggle is unique. A unique treatment plan, tailored to the individual, is required. A broad roster of advanced treatment approaches is available to integrate into programs such as ours. Over 70%, who complete our program, overcome their mental health struggle. Our program incorporates both traditional and advanced techniques for improving mental health. A few of these are:

Traditional Techniques:

  • CBT (cognitive behavior treatment)
  • Emotional intelligence skill development
  • Emotional release techniques
  • EMDR

Advanced Techniques:

  • Engagement practices
  • Cardiovascular activity for balancing brain chemistry
  • Cry, play, and laughter therapy
  • Healing circles
  • Spiritual practices

If you have been led to believe that your mental health struggle is a life sentence, call today and let’s talk about the thousands who have completed our program and have recovered. If it was possible for them, why can’t it be possible for you to experience the same? Call or email: vic@strongmentalhealth.net or call 250 862 1927

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