Our Vision
- To see social, emotional, and physical self-care ascend to the top of our societal values system.
- To continue developing innovative, cost-effective ways to give people access to advanced behavioral health training through the use of interactive and intuitive web, social web 2.0 tools, and distance education programs.
Our Purpose
- To encourage and support people to experience the powerful benefits of increased self-care for mental well-being.
- To be at the forefront of investigating and promoting advanced behavioural science that can prevent and, where possible, reverse mental illness.
Core Values
- That all people, regardless of health, ethnicity and income status, deserve support to experience improved social well-being, as well as emotional/mental health.
- That the best practices from allopathic, naturopathic, and behavioural health sciences should be understood and incorporated for the benefit of all people.
- That in providing healthcare to an individual, the best interests of the client should always supersede capitalistic or personal gain.
- That we will have congruence in our conviction and behavior (words and actions). Let this be our definition of integrity.
- That our employee’s make the best effort to treat each other and clients with empathy, compassion and kindness and to receive encouragement in this regard.