A mindset is a person’s attitude towards themselves and others, the surrounding world, and their belief that change for themselves is possible.
#1 Fixed Mindset: is a belief that change isn’t possible or even needed. It limits a person’s potential for growth and improving their lives. The fixed mindset becomes established in us for many reasons, which we discuss in the next pages.
#2 Growth Mindset: is where change is seen as possible and beneficial. This person has the humility and courage to become teachable and receive feedback as they follow a system of training that works to begin the incremental process of changing their beliefs and perceiving situations differently.
Let’s continue moving forward as you turn the page to evaluate your readiness to change.
To help you evaluate your readiness to change, let’s look into the life and day of four people who at one time had high-stress levels and a low level of readiness to change. For different reasons, they shifted themselves into a high level of readiness to change. See if you related to any of these:
BRENT’s stress was at an all-time high with emerging health issues and a growing relationship fracture in a new marriage. He was stuck in some issues at work that he could not get past, and his wife’s relationship with her mother was driving him crazy. He signed up for The Resilient Mind Program, but missed the first session and did not trust the process. When interviewed, he said that his stress was so high that he could not focus on the program. In 2015, his stress having grown to an even higher level, he signed up for the program and this time demonstrated a higher level of readiness to change. When asked what made him ready, here is what he said: “I knew that I was hanging onto unhealthy perceptions and unhealthy attitudes towards people that I had to let go of…and I finally knew I was ready.”
WHAT STOPPED READINESS TO CHANGE: Blind spot to personal issues.
WHAT BROUGHT ABOUT READINESS TO CHANGE: Realization that he had to change his perceptions.
SHIVANI knew deep down she needed to join The Resilient Mind Program but her fear of looking past the surface of her stress stopped her. When asked if she would sign up, using an alias name, for the telephone version, where she’d meet on a teleconference call with a group, she reluctantly said yes. But, as she went through the program her fear of the exercises kept her in a low state of readiness to change. The next time her employer offered the program she decided to call a Health Master counsellor to learn why fear always seems to stop her from stepping up and trying new things. After two sessions, Shivani’s readiness to change allowed her to make it through the full seven-week program successfully.
WHAT BROUGHT ABOUT READINESS TO CHANGE: Gain awareness of fear by talking about it.
AMMAR had high stress levels, but every time it became unmanageable, he would just medicate his pain by smoking marijuana, which immediately brought relief. At least, this was so during the first two year. Then, he found himself needing to smoke it more often, and he added alcohol to bring the same level of relief. When he attended The Resilient Mind Program with some co-workers, his need to reduce his stress was not high being he found relief with the two substances. But later that year, his employer started drug testing, which catapulted him into a high state of readiness to change. He valued his job and wanted to keep it, but knew if he were to quit using, he would have to learn new skills to deal with stress.
WHAT STOPPED READINESS TO CHANGE: The use of marijuana and alcohol.
JUDY was raised in a house where high stress was the norm. Both parents demonstrated high levels of stress all through her youth and even as an adult. So, when she went through The Resilient Mind Program the first time, she never believed that she could ever live a life free from stress. Her parents and siblings all seemed to use a ‘get through and suck-it-up approach’ to dealing with stress. So, throughout the process, she doubted any of the skills could help her. Then one day, one of her children brought home a piece of art and it showed moms face red and when she asked why red, her daughter said, “because you always stressed.”Her husband agreed with their daughter. After talking to the Health Masters counsellors, she was evoked to learning to become less stressed, because she feared that she would pass this behavior down to her kids just as her parents had given it to her.
WHAT STOPPED READINESS TO CHANGE: Could not believe that change was possible.
WHAT BROUGHT ABOUT READINESS TO CHANGE: Seeing her children and husband suffer.
Think about how your life would be better, if you were less stressed. Check the boxes of those items related to stress that you would notice improvements in, if you were able to reduce your stress level:
#1 Physical Symptoms:
- Fewer Headaches
- Fewer stomach issues
- Less muscle tightness or pain
- More energy
- Better sleep
#2 Cognitive Symptoms:
- Better focus & concentration
- Increased creativity
- Regaining sense of humour
- Better decision-making
- Fewer mistakes at work
#3 Emotional Symptoms:
- Decreased anxiety
- Decreased tearfulness
- Increase in happiness
- Decreased annoyance
- Increased patience level
#4 Behavioral Symptoms:
- Decreased smoking/drinking/eating
- Decreased arguing
- Decreased criticizing
- Increased productivity at home
- Increased activity levels
When you see the positive differences in your life that will happen once you make lasting change happen, your commitment level to this process will increase, and your success rate will increase. Focus on what you will be gaining, and the time and energy you will be investing in a better life will motivate you to continue the journey. Soon, you too will be a ‘Stress Master!’
Keep reading our blog for the next update.