Cindy’s focus during her psychology studies was behavioural health metrics. She is passionate about their application in providing clients with a stronger voice in the client-mentor experience. Cindy has been instrumental in the initial and ongoing innovation of the client dashboard metrics, which has been designed to increase the engagement between clients and mentors throughout the week on top of their regular weekly sessions. Cindy is additionally the Director of R&D for Health Masters’ sister company, MyOutcomes, which maintains ongoing collaboration with pioneering psychologists, Dr. Barry Duncan and Dr. Scott Miller, in the field of Feedback Improved Therapy (FIT). This latter role provides Cindy with the opportunity to collaborate with the MyOutcomes international base of over 3500 therapists who use MyOutcome tools and who are committed to measuring the effectiveness of therapy. Cindy has also worked as a therapist and continues to work with a small list of clients, thus keeping her attuned to client experiences in their use of Health Masters’ tools.
Cindy Hansen, BA-Psych, HHP, Director of Client Outcomes